Granny Chapter 2




On the outskirts of a small town there is a huge old house. People are afraid to go inside it and there are legends that it is cursed and an evil monster lives there. You, too, tried not to go in and everything was fine, until one day you woke up and noticed that you were not in your bed, but in some unknown dirty room. It turned out that you had somehow got into the house during the night. But you know exactly what you have to get out. Unfortunately, the front door is locked and now you have to find the key. But it’s not an easy task either, as there are occupants in this house. It turns out that there live an evil old man and an old woman, who are monsters and attack anyone who wanders into their house.

Staying alive

The house is very hard to survive in, but you will have to get used to it if you want to go free. The first thing to remember is that you can’t kill an old man or a scarecrow. But you can immobilise them for a while. To do this, you need to find a hammer and hit them on the head. Then they will be immobilised for 15 seconds. But at the end of this time they will become active again and look for you, so use your time wisely. They also have very good hearing – even the slightest rustle, they will instantly hear it and move towards it. So try to be as quiet as possible. If they move towards you, hide under the bed or in the wardrobe. If there is no furniture, just run away. You have five days to get the key and get out of the place. If you are caught during this time, you lose and the game is over.

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